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MUFG Pension & Market Services
A member of MUFG, a global financial group

Share plans

We can help you implement employee and bespoke executive share plans that best suit your values, culture and strategy.

Who are we?

As the UK’s largest share registrar, we help clients progress in a challenging financial world with confidence.

We provide the platform to list on global stock exchanges and keep pace with change and investor relations. Our teams support boards at all levels of maturity with ever-changing regulation, governance and shareholder engagement.

How do we help?

Employees are the heart and soul of every business, and we never forget that. It’s not just a share plan. It’s a deposit for that dream house, a talented student’s university place or the trip of a lifetime.

Tax-advantaged employee share plans remain one of the most celebrated ways for employees to secure their financial futures. Whether it’s an all-employee plan or a bespoke executive plan, we’ll listen to your requirements so we can fully understand your world and then tailor our services to best suit your values, culture and strategy.

Our complete set of services to companies and employees ranges from owner-managed businesses to multi-national organisations listed on recognised stock exchanges. We deliver a variety of different employee share plan designs, including:

  • Share incentive plans (SIP)
  • Sharesave (SAYE)
  • Executive share plans
  • International share plans
  • Enterprise management incentives (EMI)
  • Irish profit share schemes
  • Tax-advantaged profit sharing scheme (APSS)
  • Restricted share schemes (RSS/Clog)
  • Employee share ownership trusts (ESOT).
  • Cash Savings Plans

We ensure your package stands out and engages with your employees through smart and effective communication programmes. Throughout the lifetime of each share plan and beyond, we will also provide the supporting technology. Signal shares, our flagship online platform, can be fully customised to represent your brand and enable your employees to:

  • Update their personal details or preferences
  • Change their investment amounts
  • See a current valuation of their holdings and expected holding value at maturity
  • Instruct us to sell any shares held that are eligible for sale

In terms of issuer reporting, miraqle metrics has more than a decade of experience in offering accurate, transparent and independent remuneration data services. We are trusted by the largest listed companies to deliver our suite of products and services.

Our key strength is providing independent analytical advice to remuneration managers and teams. Long and Short Term Incentive Awards typically only vest upon performance conditions being met – miraqle metrics can provide an independent, arm’s length, verification of performance.

miraqle metrics specialises in calculating TSR vesting outcomes, but can also calculate any other financial condition including Earnings per Share, Return on Equity, and profit growth. Analysis can also be provided on the hypothetical performance required to attain vesting outcomes. miraqle metrics can also provide regular performance updates throughout the performance period.

For our share plan clients, performance results can also be displayed on Signal Shares. We use a fully automated, proprietary software system which delivers efficient data management, rapid turnaround and accurate calculation of performance hurdles, together with ranking tables by index, industry sector or other defined peer groupings.

Contact us to find out more.

If you are a shareholder or share plan participant, please click below.

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Share plans

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Gemma Owens

Senior Business Development Manager