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MUFG Pension & Market Services
A member of MUFG, a global financial group


MUFG Pension & Market Services “No PO No Pay” policy

MUFG Pension & Market Services operates a No PO no pay policy to ensure that correct purchasing governance is followed in Link Group UK and Irish companies and to ensure that our suppliers’ invoices are processed in a timely manner.

The purchase order confirms to the supplier the following important pieces of information:

  • What we would like to purchase
  • The agreed price
  • The delivery requirements
  • Which MUFG Pension & Market Services entity is the contracting party
  • The PO number to quote on the invoice
  • The email address for submitting your invoice
  • LAS purchasing terms

Your PO will be sent directly from our finance system therefore it is very important that you advise us if your email address to receive POs changes.

MUFG Pension & Market Services has several legal entities therefore it is important that you make your invoice out to the entity on the Purchase Order. This is especially important if you work for multiple parts of the Group.

Our terms:

All purchases are subject to MUFG Pension & Market Services Standard Terms & Conditions of Purchase, a copy of which can be found on your PO document.

  • MUFG Pension & Market Services Purchase Terms (UK)
  • MUFG Pension & Market Services Purchase Terms (ROI)

Please contact the person who ordered the goods or services if you have any purchase order queries.

Payment is 30 days for SMEs and 40 days for larger companies

More information

How to contact MUFG Pensions & Market Services Accounts Payable Team

Please email your invoice queries to:

[Updated: July 2024]